
Rocky, 2021

6.6 2021.12.24上映
India Tamil(Sub: English) Action, Drama
In this tale, the protagonist, Rocky, an ex- gangster, is first shown as a murder convict, just out of prison. Having lead a violent and shady life, he's in search of redemption. He comes back to the neighbourhood he grew up in. He finds that his home has been locked up for the last 17 years, and he tries to locate his long lost sister, Amudha, who went missing when went into prison. The story stitches together the little titbits about Rocky's past, his associates, and his friends as we follow him on his search for his sister. • Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.